
Blog 6 - The Treasury in Petra_ Jordan
A history in snapshots
Looking back through the years, it’s somehow fairly obvious I find myself here,...
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3d Mockup 1
A cover in action
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Blog 8 - Redoge_ Afghanistan (photo by S
Writing Workshop
During my career as an archaeologist, I’ve tutored many a colleague. Perhaps...
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Blog 7 - Tower-of-Silence_-Yazd_ Iran
Some writing advice
The art of writing skilfully TL;DR – No, I wouldn’t claim to have mastered...
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Put up or shut up
Put up or shut up
I take my time with serious decisions. I need to mull things over for a while,...
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The money pit
The money pit
Before I can either submit my first book to a second round of querying agents...
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How to write a book
How to write a book - part two
I’ve mentioned before that I had no aspirations of becoming a writer. I wanted...
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Blog 2 - Sumela monastery_ Turkey
How to write a book - part one
In the spirit of full disclosure, this post (and the next one) talks about me...
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Back to the beginning
My first ever blog post. I wish I could convey just how uncomfortable I am with...
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